Farber's first book was published in 1976, to date his photo art books have sold over half a million copies.

Published by 21st Editions, colour premieres Farber’s Deterioration Series, an organic creation 40 years in the making. In the book, Collier Brown pairs Farber’s Deteriorations with one of the greatest treatises on color ever written: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s, as Theory of Colours (1810).

Our Mexico
Robert was commissioned by a Mexican dignitary to create this important cultural fine-art project. Farber traveled all over Mexico to capture the spirit of the country and its people. The concept of this project is to show the devotion to family, religion and hard work as well as to capture the beauty of the country. The final creation is a limited edition fine-art portfolio & book called Our Mexico.
This portfolio and book was personally delivered as a gift to political dignitaries, heads of major corporations around the world and also to President Calderon of Mexico.

Visual Sample
A visual overview of Farber’s career, printed as a 70 page catalogue and is available upon request.

American Mood
A stunning album of lyrical and nostalgic photographs from rural Montana to the Manhattan skyline at dawn.

Images of Woman
Robert Farber’s fine-art work was established with the publication of this first book in 1976, Images of Woman. Images of Woman has had two revisions and five editions printed.

By the Sea
This volume captures the beauty and emotion of subjects such as cabanas high above the water's edge, a lighthouse thrusting upward behind a rugged boulder, and the ravaged wall of a seaside building. There are remarks from personalities as diverse as Anne Bancroft, Whoopi Goldberg, and Yoko Ono, which intermingle with those of a lifeguard at Malibu and a Mexican innkeeper. The collective result is a verbal and visual commentary on our enduring bond with the sea.

Natural Beauty
Robert Farber is celebrated for his sensitive, sensual, often semi-abstract nudes. For Farber fans, Natural Beauty represents the most beautiful book of his nude photography ever published. Preface by Arnold Newman.

Farber Nudes
In this, his fifth book, Robert Farber turns his attention to a subject that has long fascinated both amateur and professional photographers: male and female nudes. In the book, filled with striking yet sensitive photographs, Farber shows the same aesthetics that he has successfully used to become famous as a fashion and fine-art photographer.

Classic Farber Nudes
In this inspiring retrospective, the images in Classic Farber Nudes reveal the different approaches Farber has used to photograph the nude, from the romantic and sensual to the abstract. Farber is an innovator whose core has remained constant , a restless experimenter who is not afraid of change.

Professional Fashion Photography
Iman and Franziska Caara on the cover of this first edition of Farber's book, released in 1978 Robert Farber’s work in the area of fashion photography accounts for some of the those days most vivid and sensitive portrayals of feminine beauty. In this book Farber gives insight with a behinds look as well the final images that grace the pages of beauty and fashion magazines around the world.

Professional Fashion Photography (Revised Edition)
This is a revision published in 1983 of the original title, Professional Fashion Photography which was first published in 1978. The original release had sold 125,000 copies.

The Fashion Photographer
This book takes you behind the scenes with Farber on location and in the studio as he photographs fashion and beauty with some of the World's top models. Also included in this book are interviews with Eileen Ford, Patti Hansen, Alexander Liberman, Jack Scalia, Zoli, Harry King, Karen Graham, Harvey Kahn, Beverly Johnson, and others.

The Fashion Photographer (Revised Edition)
The Fashion Photographer was first released in 1981. This revision was released in 1984.

Moods, released in 1980 is a stunning selection of Robert Farber’s early work. His romantic, luminous photographs have often been compared to the work of such school's of painters as the Dutch Masters and the impressionists.
Other Publications

Contemporary American Erotic Photography
Melrose LA 1984
Photographers include: Chris Callis, Phillip Dixon, Jeff Dunas, Robert Farber, Larry Dale Gordon, Mitchel Gray, Art Kane, Antonin Kratochvil, Stan Malinowski, Robert Mapplethorpe, Ken Marcus, Richard Noble, Peter Strongwater.

Curve: The Female Nude Now
Universe 2003
The book celebrates the nude in all art form, including photography, painting and sculpture.

Graphis Nudes 1
Graphis, Inc. 1993
The human figure has long been one of photography's most intriguing, challenging and controversial subjects. Nudes 1 is the most popular title in the Graphis Nudes series, an elegant and exciting anthology of nude photography from around the world. Introductions by two noted photography editors, Sean Callahan and Petra Olschewski, set the scene for the carefully selected and superbly printed gallery of outstanding images by more than 100 respected photographers. This stunning selection of nude photography has proven so popular, it is now in its third printing.

Graphis Nudes 2
Graphis, Inc. 1997
Second volume in the Graphis series dedicated to one of photography's most intriguing, challenging and controversial subjects—the human figure. Since the inception of this medium, photographers have been fascinated by the human body—its grace, its vulnerability and the seemingly infinite ways it can be depicted. With an insightful introduction by writer and critic Lyle Rexer and commentary by the longtime collector Uwe Scheid, this compilation of the best in photography of the nude human figure presents more than 200 sublime and surprising images by some of the most respected photographers of this century, including Lillian Bassman, Imogen Cunningham, Robert Farber, Lee Friedlander, Ralph Gibson, Lizzie Himmel, Horst, Edward Weston and many others. An index of photographers and galleries completes this volume.

The World's Top Photographers: Nudes
Rotovision 2007
The nude is one of the most popular subjects in the history of photography. The World’s Top Photographers: Nudes is packed with stunning photographs of nudes plus in-depth interviews from more than 30 top photographers. Bob Carlos Clarke, Bettina Rheims, Ralph Gibson, David Penprase, Robert Mapplethorpe, and other greats reveal professional tips and secrets as they tell their own personal stories. The latest in the popular World’s Top Photographers series, Nudes is both a practical guide for photographers and a beautiful coffee-table book.